
Driving climate ambition in conflict prone regions
Yemen and Somalia are using climate technology to strengthen resilience in the face of conflict and environmental challenges. Their Technology Needs Assessments and Technology Action Plans outline concrete pathways to secure water, improve agriculture, and shape national climate strategies.
February 6th, 2025

Empowering Climate Action through Technology and Innovation at COP29
At COP29, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre showcased how climate technologies can drive transformative action, emphasizing the importance of tailored solutions, collaboration, and scaling innovation to meet global climate targets.
December 16th, 2024

New phase of Technology Needs Assessments starts
17 countries are joining the Technology Needs Assessment project, prioritizing technologies for climate action and developing plans for funding and deployment
September 6th, 2024

Leveraging Technology Action Plans for ambitious climate action
The Role of technology in climate action and how to increase ambitions in NDCs through implementation of Technology Action Plans
June 11th, 2024

Technology Needs Assessment impact stories
Highlighting TNA results, an exhibition of country impacts is currently on display in Bonn
June 4th, 2024

TNA stories: Technology standards and frameworks in Ecuador
In its Technology Needs Assessment, Ecuador has prioritized energy efficiency to ensure energy security and reduce energy consumption and emissions from energy production. This also aims at reducing energy costs, to benefit users and increase competitiveness. The Technology Needs Assessment identified lack of information and of capacity on energy efficiency, as well as inadequate regulations, as barriers for energy efficient […]
June 4th, 2024

TNA stories: Coastal zone adaptation in Cuba
Havana, the capital of Cuba and the island’s biggest urban area, is located in a region frequently hit by hurricanes and cold fronts. This makes Havana highly vulnerable to climate-change impacts such as sea-level rise and extreme weather events. The city is expected to face even more severe climate-related challenges in the future. Cuba’s Technology Needs Assessment focused specifically on […]
June 3rd, 2024

TNA stories: Rainwater harvesting in Mozambique
Climate change in Mozambique threatens the country on several fronts, as heavy storms and severe droughts hit the country with increasing regularity. Due to high intensity and frequency, drought is the most devastating for the agriculture sector which employs more than 80% of the economically active population. The impacts are exacerbated by the limited availability of water for irrigation and […]
June 2nd, 2024

TNA stories: Framework for renewable energy investments in Liberia
Liberia is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. 70% of the population work in the agriculture sector and with the country’s dependency on agricultural goods, the increased frequency of extreme weather events threatens the livelihoods of millions. In its Technology Needs Assessment, Liberia prioritized renewable energy technologies for both mitigation and adaptation in the agriculture sector. With the […]
June 1st, 2024

TNA stories: Sustainable livestock in Mongolia
Mongolia has seen average temperatures going up by 2.1°C over the past 70 years, as a result of climate change. Average rainfall is declining, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent creating challenges for livestock production and the country’s vast pasturelands. In response to this, Mongolia prioritized the agricultural sector in its Technology Needs Assessment, with special attention given […]
June 1st, 2024

TNA stories: Bus Rapid Transit in Karachi
Pakistan has the highest rate of urbanization in South Asia often characterized by unplanned and unmanaged growth resulting in informal settlements, environmental degradation, and poverty. At the same time, Pakistan’s public transport is characterised by slow commutes in vehicles that are mostly old and poorly maintained, leading to high fuel consumption, increased emissions, and higher operating costs. In Pakistan’s Technology […]
May 31st, 2024

1.8 billion dollars in climate investments informed by Technology Needs Assessments
More than 1.8 billion dollars have been invested in climate technology in TNA related projects through the Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility
March 6th, 2024