We organize a webinar, “Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: exploring linkages with the Technology Needs Assessments”, the 17th of March from 10AM CET to 11:30AM CET.
During this webinar, we will present the key linkages between the Sustainable Development Goals and the UNFCCC-mandated Technology Needs Assessments, and the role of technology per se in achieving sustainable development. Moreover, perspectives on how TNA activities link to national SDG targets will be shared from two country coordinators involved in TNA activities.
Join us on the the 17th of March from 10AM CET to 11:30AM CET.
- James Haselip, UNEP DTU Partnership
- Léa Jehl Le Manceau, UNEP DTU Partnership
- Andreas Brogaard Buhl, Niras
- Christopher Manda, TNA Coordinator Malawi
- Deepitika Chand, TNA Coordinator Fiji
Please register before the 17th of March.
You can download our new TNA brief, on “Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: exploring linkages with the Technology Needs Assessments” below:
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