

The Maldives started on its TNA process in 2020 as part of the TNA IV project and will conclude its work by December 2024.

The Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, is a small island nation in South Asia situated in the Arabian Sea part of the Indian Ocean. Its neighbours are Sri Lanka and India. The main economic drivers are tourism and fishery, two sectors that are particularly vulnerable to climate change.

Due to the Maldives’ low-lying geography and fragile ecosystem, the country is one of the most vulnerable on earth to climatic change, facing intensified weather events and damage from inundation, extreme winds and flooding from storms. Moreover, rising sea temperatures pose a huge threat to its coral reefs, which will ultimately affect tourism and the livelihoods of many local people. The Maldives are also very much exposed to the risk of sea-level rises Currently, worst-case scenarios project a future rise in sea level of between ten and a hundred metres by 2100, which means that the country could be completely submerged by the end of this century.

The country’s NDC focuses on crucial actions to strengthen its resilience to climate impacts and prioritizes mitigation in the energy, transport and waste sectors.

The priority sectors and technologies for both mitigation and adaptation are as following:

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Key technologies prioritized for adaptation

  • Coastal adaptation & disaster management
    • Integration of technologies (drone, satellite imagery and GIS) into existing land use planning processes
  • Water resources
    • Promotion of rainwater integration into irrigation, industrial purposes and building codes
  • Agriculture and food security
    • Promotion of community farming
    • Community gardens
    • Agritourism

Key technologies prioritized for mitigation 

  • Electricity Consumption
    • Roof top Solar Photovoltaics (PV) with Energy Storage System including Battery
    • Floating Solar Platforms
  • Waste
    • Waste to Energy Facilities (WTE) in Regional Waste Management Centres
  • Transport
    • Electric buses, vehicles and motorbikes (EVs)

Get in touch

Zainab Gulisthan

TNA Coordinator for Maldives