TNA stories: Sustainable livestock in Mongolia

June 1, 2024

Mongolia has seen average temperatures going up by 2.1°C over the past 70 years, as a result of climate change. Average rainfall is declining, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent creating challenges for livestock production and the country’s vast pasturelands.

In response to this, Mongolia prioritized the agricultural sector in its Technology Needs Assessment, with special attention given to the husbandry and livestock production and sustainable pasture management.

Building on these priorities, Mongolia’s Aimags and Soums Green Regional Development Investment Program promotes low-carbon, climate-resilient development, and more efficient urban-rural linkages, addressing the technological needs identified and aligning with NDC targets.

It is a comprehensive investment programme which also directly supports herder groups to manage the rangelands sustainably and is designed for replicability across the country.

  • Financial support totalling USD 735 million, incl. USD 175 million from the Green Climate Fund
  • 112 million tonnes of emissions avoided

The project received final approval in January 2024, and will directly benefit more than half a million people. Due to its cross-sectoral nature and inclusive design, it is estimated that it will indirectly benefit Mongolia’s population of more than three million people.

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