TNA stories: Coastal zone adaptation in Cuba

June 3, 2024

Havana, the capital of Cuba and the island’s biggest urban area, is located in a region frequently hit by hurricanes and cold fronts.

This makes Havana highly vulnerable to climate-change impacts such as sea-level rise and extreme weather events. The city is expected to face even more severe climate-related challenges in the future.

Cuba’s Technology Needs Assessment focused specifically on climate resilience in coastal zones to face and adapt to these climate-change impacts.

In line with Cuba’s NDC targets of reducing coastal vulnerability for settlements threatened by sea level rise, the Technology Needs Assessment proposed a coastal zone adaptation plan.

Building further on this, an adaptation plan for the Havana Coastal Zone was developed in 2021, and as part of this, Cuba is now seeking to increase its climate resilience in coastal communities by following an ecosystem-based adaptation approach, restoring mangroves, swamp forests and grass swamps.

  • Financial support totaling USD 44.3 million, incl. USD 24 million from the Green Climate Fund
  • Increasing climate resilience of over 1.3 million vulnerable people in coastal communities

The project also includes training 60% of the population in targeted municipalities on how to protect ecosystems to enhance climate adaptation.

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