TNA stories: Bus Rapid Transit in Karachi

May 31, 2024

Pakistan has the highest rate of urbanization in South Asia often characterized by unplanned and unmanaged growth resulting in informal settlements, environmental degradation, and poverty.

At the same time, Pakistan’s public transport is characterised by slow commutes in vehicles that are mostly old and poorly maintained, leading to high fuel consumption, increased emissions, and higher operating costs.

In Pakistan’s Technology Needs Assessment, the transport sector, and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in particular, is prioritized to address the climate and environmental challenges associated with rapid urban growth.

Pakistan’s NDC emphasizes the essential role of climate technologies for both mitigation and adaptation, with specific attention to transportation and BRT, informed by insights from the Technology Needs Assessment.

Building on the Technology Needs Assessment and the action plans produced, the Government of Pakistan has received financial support to implement a BRT system in Karachi, Pakistan’s main urban hub.

  • Financial support totalling USD 583 million, incl. USD 49 million from the Green Climate Fund
  • 2.6 million tonnes of emissions avoided

The Green BRT Karachi project is set to be completed by the end of 2024, having established a 30-kilometre, BRT system, fully separated from other transport modes, and operated with the “world’s first” biomethane hybrid bus fleet.

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