Case studies
Through analytical work building on UDPs existing research in the field of technology transitions and innovation systems, and in consultation with local partners in focus countries, a number of case studies has been developed on the experiences from reaching technology transfer, implementation and uptake, including information on the challenges countries and other stakeholders are facing in doing so.
Read more on the case studies below.
Case study 1: Clean captive power in Kenya
Kenya has witnessed a rapid increase in the captive solar PV segment over a short timeframe. The market has grown from few, smaller installations in 2014 to around 184 installations with a total capacity of 40 MW by 2019. These are mainly captive solar installations by industrial and commercial consumers.
The report shares detailed insights on how this growth has been enabled, who are the main consumers, what have been the main drivers, how have the solar PV firms leveraged on this market, and what are the constraints.
Download our two reports, below:
- 2020 Clean Capitve Power – Full report
- 2020 Clean Capitve Power – Report Executive Summary
Case study 2: Small-scale irrigation systems in Kenya
Kenya has seen a growing market for small-scale irrigation technologies in recent years. Since 2000, twelve new irrigation technology suppliers have entered Kenya’s irrigation sector, driven by demands from government- and donor-supported irrigation projects and from a growing middle class wanting to invest in irrigation.
This report unfolds the strategies and capabilities of irrigation technology suppliers and their role in developing the small-scale irrigation market in Kenya. The report includes analysis of recent developments, growth opportunities and promising business models for the diffusion of irrigation technologies to smallholders.
Download our two reports below:
- The Growth of Small-Scale Irrigation in Kenya – Full report
- The Growth of Small-Scale Irrigation in Kenya – Report Executive Summary
Case Study 3: Digital solutions for agricultural value chains in Kenya
In recent years there has been much discussion about ‘digital transformation’ in the agrifood system and its role in enabling climate resilient development. This issue brief examines the gap between the rhetoric and reality regarding the current role and importance of digital solutions for agricultural value chains in Africa, including those that can be termed ‘climate smart’, with a focus on the role of the private-sector in the development and diffusion of these solutions.
The issue brief presents 1) an overview and status of the opportunities regarding digitalisation in Africa; 2) a summary of the relationship between climate change and digitalisation in the African agricultural sector; 3) insights from the agricultural ICT market in Kenya, with a focus on the firms in operation, their technologies and services, and business models.
Get in touch

Mathilde Brix Pedersen
Senior Researcher