Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation – Building Sector

This guidebook covers a range of building technologies, design principles and practices which can significantly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, while improving living and working conditions. All the mitigation technologies and practices are dealt with in simple language and approaches for implementing these technologies are also provided. This guidebook will be used by the national TNA teams which consist of stakeholders from government, non-government organisations and the private sector.

This publication is coordinated by Dr. Jorge Rogat and authored by Dr. Wynn Chi-Nguyen Cam with contributions from other experts active in the building sector. Combining the expertise in sustainable built environment and climate change as an architect, researcher and international policy-making facilitator, the author provides a balanced analysis of technologies from both—a climate and sustainable development perspective.

This publication is one of the adaptation and mitigation technology guidebooks, produced as part of the GEF-funded Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project. This project is undertaken by UNEP and URC in 36 developing countries.

Authors: Wynn Chi-Nguyen Cam
Published year: 2012
Content type: TNA Guidebook
File: Download
Publisher: UNEP DTU Partnership