New TNA website launched

Now it is easier than ever to get information on developing countries’ technology needs

June 19, 2019

UNEP DTU Partnership and the partners in the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project have launched a new and updated TNA website.

The new website will be the  go-to place for information on developing countries’ priority technology needs, as well as for information on TNAs. The website provides easier access to resources, guides, a database full of reports and TNA Fact Sheets and news about the project, that now includes more than 80 countries around the world.

It features specific sections on the methodology behind a TNA process, access to tailored E-learning sessions and publications and guidebooks for implementing countries.

The website also features a complete mapping of technology prioritisation based on sectors, countries and whether the technology covers climate mitigation or adaptation.

With this new platform past, current and future TNA countries as well as any interested stakeholders can access needed information faster and easier. The new TNA website will replace the previous site at

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