New Technology Needs Assessment reports from Malawi, Nauru, Jamaica and Uganda
Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) activities are currently ongoing in the 22 countries participating in the TNA Phase III project. New TNA reports from Malawi, Nauru, Jamaica and Uganda, prioritising key climate technologies for both mitigation and adaptation, are now online.
Overview of key sectors and technologies prioritised by Malawi, Nauru, Jamaica and Uganda
Source: Technology Needs Assessment reports (Malawi, Nauru, Jamaica, Uganda)
Reports’ highlights
The TNA report from Malawi highlights the necessity of a collaborative approach, inclusive of all stakeholders including government, Non-Governmental Organisations, civil society, Faith Based Organisations, the private sector and academia for reaching implementation of the prioritized climate technologies.
In Uganda, the reports highlight how gender aspects were considered in constituting the thematic working groups and that gender experts were invited to the technology prioritisation workshop. Gender awareness is integrated across the TNA work in the three priority sectors, and was included as part of the content in the respective presentations during national working sessions made by the national consultants. This underscores the implications and the need for gender analyses in the value chain of technology development.
The TNA report of Jamaica sets out with the objective to ultimately select country-specific and appropriate climate technologies, which could be funded locally (e.g. by local government or private local institutions) or by international donors, to accelerate the transformation to low-emission and sustainable societies which are resilient to climate impacts. The TNA report highlights that this should be used to advance the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement.
All the stakeholder-identified and prioritised climate technologies in Nauru have yet to get wide acceptability and application in the country. Hence, each of the prioritised technologies will now undergo analyses of market conditions and barriers for enhanced deployment including appropriate technical, financial and policy instruments to facilitate implementation and deployment of the technologies.
Where to find TNA reports
Navigate through the TNA database, to read these TNA reports, and consult over 300 reports from 60 countries prepared as part of the TNA process.