New report: Small-scale irrigation in Kenya

October 8, 2020

Kenya: a growing market for small-scale irrigation technologies

Kenya has seen a growing market for small-scale irrigation technologies in recent years. Since 2000, twelve new irrigation technology suppliers have entered Kenya’s irrigation sector, driven by demands from government- and donor-supported irrigation projects and from a growing middle class wanting to invest in irrigation.

Our new report

Our report unfolds the strategies and capabilities of irrigation technology suppliers and their role in developing the small-scale irrigation market in Kenya. The report includes analysis of recent developments, growth opportunities and promising business models for the diffusion of irrigation technologies to smallholders.

The TEMARIN work

Through analytical work building on UDPs existing research in the field of technology transitions and innovation systems, and in consultation with local partners in focus countries, a number of case studies has been developed on the experiences from reaching technology transfer, implementation and uptake, including information on the challenges countries and other stakeholders are facing in doing so.

Download our report on small-scale irrigation technologies below.

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Mathilde Brix Pedersen

Senior Researcher

Phone: +45 45 33 52 93