New brief: Enhanced taxonomy for adaptation technologies

Our brief on "Enhanced taxonomy for adaptation technologies" is now online

November 27, 2020

UNEP DTU Partnership together with the Green Technology Center- Korea (GTC – K), a government-funded research institute under the Ministry of Science and ICT Korea, have collaborated on the development of a taxonomy for adaptation technologies in the context of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project.

Enhancing the development, transfer and uptake of technology is a key pillar of the international response to climate change. Although the need for technology and the importance of climate technology transfer are recognised by the global society, private sector and government stakeholders, the information on technology needs from developing countries is still an under exploited area for collaboration across such stakeholders. To further facilitate such collaboration and partnership creation it was identified as useful to develop a taxonomy, that can provide matching information, both on the technology demand and supply sides.

This new taxonomy was developed on the basis of information reported by countries in their Technology needs Assessments (TNAs), and you can discover it in our joint brief “Collaborative brief on taxonomy”, here:

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