During this webinar, we will explore the sectors and technologies prioritised by LAC countries participating in the TNA project, in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation. We will discuss financial and capacity-building needs, and highlight how the TNAs can contribute to NDC implementation.
Join us on the 30th of June, from 16:00PM to 17:30PM CET.
The webinar’s speakers will be:
- Lindy C. Charlery, TNA Regional Coordinator for the LAC region – UNEP DTU Partnership
- Vladimir Hecl, Programme Officer – UNFCCC
- Emerson Resende, Climate Policy Specialist – Green Climate Fund (GCF)
- Donovan Campbell, Senior Lecturer – TNA Regional Centre, University of West Indies Mona Campus
- Ayesha Constable, Climate change researcher & TNA Assistant Coordinator in Jamaica
- Moderated by Léa Jehl Le Manceau, TNA Project Assistant – UNEP DTU Partnership
Please register below before the 30th of June.
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Online webinar - register below
Signup date: 30/06/2020