RCREEE pavilion at COP27 : “Where are we at? Assessing Climate Technology Progress”

Where are we at? Assessing Climate Technology Progress

10 November, 2022 - 10 November, 2022

Where are we at? Assessing Climate Technology Progress

RCREEE COP27 Pavilion, Blue Zone, Area C, P75

10 November 2022, 15:00 – 16:30 EET

Organizers: Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and UNEP Copenhagen Climate Center (UNEP-CCC)


To meet mitigation as well as adaptation objectives, along with building resilient and sustainable economies, climate technologies are key. This is particularly true for the developing countries, the most vulnerable to climate change. Many technologies are now available across a broad range of economic sectors and offer substantial opportunities to cut emissions and adapt to climate change. At the same time, further development, transfer, and uptake of new or currently immature technologies will as well be required for fully achieving climate objectives.

This session presents the findings of a new Climate Technology Progress Report. The report responds to the following questions, all centred around enabling conditions for reaching a higher degree of climate technology transitions and deployment:  What progress is made?  what has enabled it? and where are the gaps? And as a follow up question: What is needed, based on where we are at, to enhance technology transitions?

Time Agenda item Description
13:00- 13:15 Opening and welcome session Opening statements from high level representations from RCREEE community (Fatouma Hanini and Mostafa Hassanen)


13:15- 13:55 Presentations





Q&A (10 min)

Moderator: Fatouma Hanini, RCREEE

Report highlights overview, Sara Traerup, UNEP-CCC

Governance for technology transfer: Institutions, policies and social dimensions Lucas Somavilla (University College London (UCL), University of Oxford),

Finance for technology transfer, examples from Egypt, Mostafa Hassanen, RCREEE


13:55- 14:25 Panel session Moderator: Sara Traerup, UNEP CCC

  • Panellist 1 (Fatouma and Mostafa)
  • Panellist 2 (Fatouma and Mostafa)
  • Minal Pathak (University of Ahmedabad)
  • Samba Fall (ENDA Energie, Senegal)


14:25- 14:30 Closing statement Closing statement and next steps by the organisers will be delivered by UNEP-CCC and RCREEE


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