How do we enhance the development and transfer of climate technology?
12h-13h, 8 Nov, Nordic Pavilion at COP27
The development and transfer of technology is complex, non-linear and depends on many contextual factors. Several challenges often prevail, hindering the development and transfer of technology, resulting in the deficient development and transfer of technologies via traditional market mechanisms. This includes the country-specific circumstances that encompass existing market and technological conditions, institutions, resources and practices, which can be subject to changes in response to government actions. This event will present a novel effort that brings together scientists and practitioners, to take stock of where we’re at and discuss how to move forwards in establishing the conditions that enable the development and transfer of climate technology.
Moderator Mette Annelie Rasmussen, UNEP-CCC
5 min | Welcome | UNEP-Copenhagen Climate Centre
10 min | Feasibility of Climate Technology
Options across System Transitions |
Deborah Ley (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, UN ECLAC), Elisabeth Gilmore (Carleton University) |
10 min | Technology Needs, National perspectives
Christopher Kabah, Environmental Protection Agency Liberia |
10 min | Technology needs, Africa regional perspectives | Samba Fall, Enda Energie, Senegal
10 min | Technology transfer, perspectives on international cooperation | Marie Gad, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) |
15 min | Discussion |