The Philippines completed its first TNA in 2018, followings the NDC in terms of overall sector prioritization, but also prioritising new technologies that are not included in the NDC. During the TNA process, the relevant stakeholders agreed to add biogas to the list of possible technologies in the transport sector. Now, 7 years later, the country seeks to update the findings of the TNA project, reevaluating the priority sectors and investigated technologies to develop actionable technology plans that can help the country in strengthening its climate resilience and supporting the diffusion of climate technologies that support the implementation of its NDC.
Located in Southeast Asia, the Philippines is a chain of islands surrounded by the South China Sea, the Philippine Sea, and the Celebes Sea. Being an archipelagic country, the Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and natural hazards. Important economic sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and water management are all particularly exposed to the consequences of climate change. Located in the Tropical Cyclone belt and the Pacific Ring of Fire, it is extremely vulnerable to climate-related and geological hazards that include around 20 tropical cyclones every year.
The Philippines’ NDC supports the country’s national development objectives and priorities of sustainable industrial development, poverty eradication and inclusive growth, energy security, and social and climate justice, and the transformation of its socio-economic sectors towards a climate and disaster-resilient and low carbon economy. The Philippines commits to a projected GHG emissions reduction and avoidance of 75%, of which 2.71% is unconditional and 72.29% is conditional, representing the country’s ambition for GHG mitigation for the period 2020 to 2030 for the sectors of agriculture, wastes, industry, transport, and energy.
The Philippines completed the first stage of the TNA in 2018, followings the NDC in terms of overall sector prioritization, but also prioritizing new technologies that are not included in the NDC. During the TNA process, the relevant stakeholders agreed to add biogas to the list of possible technologies in the transport sector. Now, 7 years later, the country seeks to update the findings of the TNA project, reevaluating the priority sectors and investigated technologies to develop actionable technology plans that can help the country in strengthening its climate resilience and supporting the diffusion of climate technologies that support the implementation of its NDC.
Philippines’s first TNA contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals: