Nepal initiated its TNA process as part of Phase I TNA countries. Nepal now completed and launched its Technology Needs Assessment, Barrier Analysis & Enabling Framework and Technology Action Plans reports, covering both adaptation and mitigation.
Nepal is a landlocked country of South Asia, located in the Himalayas between India and China. The geography of the country is mountainous and contains many of the world’s highest peaks, including Mount Everest.
Nepal is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and recent studies by the Asian Development Bank suggested Nepal faces losing 2.2% of annual GDP due to climate change by 2050. Nepal ratified the Paris Climate Agreement and its Second Nationally Determined Communication (NDC) in 2020. Due to its geography, Nepal is exposed to a range of climate risks and water-related hazards triggered by rapid snow- and ice-melt in the mountains and torrential rainfall episodes in the foothills during the monsoon season. The population is at risk from the impacts of climate change including reductions in agricultural production, food insecurity, strained water resources, loss of forests and biodiversity, as well as damaged infrastructure.