
Latin America and the Caribbean

In the case of Grenada, the TNA has highlighted solar photovoltaics as a relevant technology with a strong mitigation potential. It is estimated that the inherent potential of photovoltaic electricity generation could reduce Grenada’s greenhouse gas emissions by 64 ktCO2e by replacing diesel fuel for electricity generation.

Grenada is situated in the West Indies in the south-eastern Caribbean Sea. Grenada, a small island developing nation, is highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Climatic changes are already seen in Grenada, and projections indicate a strong likelihood of reduced annual rainfall, increasing temperatures, rises in sea level and more frequent and more intense extreme events. The main pillars of Grenada’s economy, agriculture and tourism, are especially susceptible to the new climate regime. This has resulted in climate change becoming a prominent issue on the national agenda.

Grenada completed its TNA in 2018. The implementation of Grenada’s prioritized technologies identified through the TNA has a potential to lead to significant greenhouse gas reductions, as well as building resilience in managing climate risks. For example, micro-sprinkler and drip-irrigation technologies can support farmers in adapting to climate change by making more efficient use of their water supply and thus increasing agriculture productivity.

Grenada’s TNA contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

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Priority technologies for adaptation 

  • Agriculture sector
    • Micro-sprinklers
    • Drip irrigation
  • Water resources sector
    • Micro-dams
    • Rainwater harvesting

Priority technologies for mitigation 

  • Energy sector
    • Solar photovoltaic light-emitting diodes
    • Biogas
    • High-efficiency heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems