

The TNA has been instrumental in Ghana identifying technologies and action plans to strengthen key sectors and increase rural communities’ resilience to the impacts of climate change. Based on these results the Green Climate Fund has funded the development of a readiness proposal. Its objectives are increasing the data accessibility, enabling decision makers and stakeholders to use the knowledge, practices and technologies from the TNA and developing a roadmap proposing how to up-scale the initiatives.  

The Republic of Ghana is located in West Africa along the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. Ghana’s development over the past twenty years has in many respects been a success story. The country’s wealth in natural resources and its strong focus on the development of human capital have laid the foundations for a long period of sustained growth. Climate change is threatening Ghana’s growth by affecting some of its key economic sectors, such as agriculture, tourism and energy. Climate scenarios project a continuous increase in the impacts of climate change, which, left unabated, may have severe repercussions on rural livelihoods and the economy as a whole.

Ghana completed its TNA in 2013. The TNA has prioritized several technologies which are planned to be deployed in over 1100 communities across Ghana, strengthening communities’ resilience to the impacts of climate change. One of these technologies is the Integrated Climate Change Monitoring and Early Warning System. This technology reduces vulnerability as the information it provides can be used to manage resources according to realistic forecasts, as well as warning Ghanaians of extreme weather events in a timely manner.

The results of the TNA have been used in the development of Ghana’s NDC.

Ghana’s TNA contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

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Priority technologies for adaptation

  • Agriculture sector
    • Community-Based Extension Model
    • Water-user Associations
    • Integrated Soil Nutrient Management
    • Ecological Pest Management.
    • Integrated Climate Monitoring and Early Warning System
  • Water resources sector
    • Rainwater collection from ground surfaces
    • Post-construction support for community-managed water systems
    • Improving the resilience of protected wells to flooding
    • Demarcation and Protection of Buffer Zones for water bodies
    • Integrated Climate Monitoring and Early Warning System